'즐겨찾기'에 해당되는 글 23건

  1. 2009.05.21 jQuery 관련 사이트
  2. 2009.04.15 jQuery 관련 사이트
  3. 2007.10.09 즐겨찾기
2009. 5. 21. 20:56

jQuery 관련 사이트

[HOME] jquery.com   Google Hosting

- jQuery API Browser
- jQuery Selectors
- Useful and Handy jQuery Tips and Tricks
- jQuery Tips and Tricks #2
- Things you may not know about jQuery
- What You Need to Know About jQuery 1.3
- 3 Quick Steps for a Painless Upgrade to jQuery 1.3
- www.learningjquery.com
Beginner jQuery Tutorials 
- jQuery and JavaScript Coding: Examples and Best Practices
5 jQuery Questions... and Answers
- 5 More jQuery Questions... and Answers
- How to Load In and Animate Content with jQuery
- Load Data From Other Pages With jQuery
- detached designs
- jQuery Secrets!
- Preloading Images with jQuery
- jQuery: Ajax Shortcuts for Champions
- Improve your jQuery - 25 excellent tips
- HowTo: Resizeable Background Image
- jQuery: Write less, do more - dev.opera.com
- 6 Fast jQuery Tips: More Basic Snippets
- All the jQuery resources you'll ever need

* 주요 플러그인
01) Lightbox 류
 - ThickBox 3.1  jquery.com/demo/thickbox/  [IE7, position bug]
jQuery Lightbox Plugin
 - Facebox  famspam.com/facebox  [1.1]
 - FancyBox  fancy.klade.lv
Simple Modal 
 - jqModal 
 - Suckerfish HoverLightbox
 - piroBox 
 - slimbox-2.0
 - Greybox Redux
 - ColorBox

02) Menu & Navigation
Elastic Menu : like mootools sliding effect
Step Menu
Navigation : LavaLamp
- Tree-View Menu
- jQuery File Tree
- jQuery UI Tabs
Tabbed Content [demo]
- Build a Tabbed Box with CSS and jQuery [advanced]
- Create A Tabbed Interface Using jQuery
Keypress Navigation Using jQuery
- Sliding Top Menu With jQuery
- Sprite + jQuery Navigation  Background Image Animation
- Sliding Menu
- Apple style Menu
- Garage Door Style Menu
- Context Menu  [2]
- jQuery ListNav Plugin

03) Sliding(carousel) & Scroll & Tickter 류
- coda-slider
ez=jQuery (Easy Slide, Easy News, Easy News Plus, Easy POP Show
- liScroll (a jQuery News Ticker made easy)
- InnerFade with jQuery
- Start/Stop Slider
- Horizontal Accordion  [sample]
- Accessible News Slider
- Agile Carousel
- spy slide
- jQuery.scrollable
- Easy Image or Content Slider
- Sliding Boxes and Captions with jQuery
- jQuery pageSlide
- Full Screen Background SlideShow jQuery Plugin: Supersized

04) Message Alert 류
- jQuery Alert Dialogs 
Floating Windows
Tooltips  simple tooltip  Override Tooltips
- clueTip plugin
- jGrowl (notice)
- Top Floating Message box using jQuery
- jquery.alerts
- SimpleTip
- jCaption: jQuery Image Captions with Customizable Markup, Style and Animation

05) Date Picker (Calendar)
- jQuery UI - datepicker
- Date Range Picker
- jCalendar
- DatePicker: www.eyecon.ro/datepicker/

06) Color Picker
Color Picker 

07) Charts 류
Flot, jQuery plotting plug-in
- charts using canvas 
- jQuery.sparkline
- jGCharts (jQuery + Google Charts)

08) Accordion
- dynamicDrive version accordion
- from Roshanbh.com - Blog
- accordion, a simple horizontal accordion plugin for jQuery

09) Forms
- Form
Nice Form 
Form Input Plugin 
Flexible and Semantic Forms
- Submit A Form Without Page Refresh using jQuery
- autotab
- Using Ajax to Validate Forms
- Auto-populating Select Boxes using jQuery & Ajax
- jQuery tutorial: Text box hints   EZPZ Hint (input text hint)
- Forms, Context highlighting 
- SmartMarkUP - Editor

10) Image
imgAreaSelect (crop) [PHP & jQuery image upload and crop]
- Jcrop (이미지 crop)
- jQuery Cycle plugin
- Fix the missing PNG-transparency in IE5.5, IE6  [2]
- Image Show(ImageFlow)
- SpaceGallery
- jquery-exif-data-plugin
- jParallax - view layered image
- SliderViewer
- Galleriffic
- dwImageProtector Plugin for jQuery
- s3Slider
- jQuery sIFR(Scalable Inman Flash Replacement) Plugin  (Fonts and the Web)
- Animated InnerFade with jQuery (panorama view)
- Simple Panorama Viewer
- imgPreview
- Creating a polaroid photo viewer with CSS3 and jQuery
- Create a nuique Gallery by using z-index and jQuery
- GalleryView - A jQuery Content Gallery Plugin
- Fancy Thumbnail Hover Effect w/jQuery

11) Table
- Zebra-Stripe Tables
- jQuery Table Striping Bug

12) Utility
- Dimension
- Interface
- Easing (HowTo)
- jQuery.Hotkeys.Testing
- Parsing Strings with jQuery
- addSizes.js: Sanzzy automatic link file-size generation
- Creating a Virtual jQuery Keyboard
- Cookie
- Equal Height Columns with jQuery
- The EqualHeights jQuery Plugin
- PIXASTIC (JavaScript Image Processing Library)

13) Effect
- Flip
- Fading color effect for inline text links using jQuery
- FlyOffPages

14) Ajax
- jSuggest 1.0 - Advanced Auto-complete for jQuery

15) 기타
jRails (jQuery on Rails)
- Feature your products with jQuery
- Simple Star Rating System
- jQuery Corner
- Virtual Tour
Extensible CSS interface 2: CSS Selectors & jQuery
In-Place Editor
- Text Highlighting
- jquery.pagination
- jQuery SWFObject Plugin
- Playing and Controlling MP3 songs and FLV video with javascript
- jQuery.gameQuery
- jQuery and Google Maps
- jQTouch : styles for Mobile WebKit browsers

- jQuery Ideas and Resources
- jQuery for Designers , jQuery Tutorials for Designers
- 51+ Best of jQuery Tutorials and Examples
- 50+ Amazing jQuery Examples - part1
- 37 More Shocking jQuery Plugins
- 45+ Fresh Out of the oven jQuery Plugins
- 65 Excellent jQuery Resources
- 8 Fantastic jQuery Tutorials for Designers
- Useful jQuery: A Compilation of jQuery Utilities
- CSS Developer - Why Aren't You Using jQuery?
- Absolute Positioning Using JQuery
- 20 jQuery Plugins for Unforgettable User Experience
- jQuery Robot
- Best of jQuery - Tutorials
- Best of jQuery - Tutorials - Part 2  [Part 3]
- 13 Excellent Tutorials On Creating jQuery Navigation Menu
- The 20 Most Practical and Creative Uses of jQuery
- 15 jQuery Plugins to Fix and Beautify Browser Issues
- [Slider] 10 Best jQuery Sliders
- 25+ jQuery Plugins that enhance and beautify HTML form elements
2009. 4. 15. 10:16

jQuery 관련 사이트

2007. 10. 9. 11:21


http://www.winapi.co.kr - c,c++,winapi 강좌사이트(김상형님)

http://kr.php.net - PHP 사이트 한글 페이지

http://www.koxo.com - koxo.com 자바스크립트 매뉴얼

http://trio.co.kr - html/css 매뉴얼

http://database.sarang.net - 데이타베이스 사랑넷

http://openframework.or.kr/framework_reference/prototype_js/1.4.0/prototype.js.html - prototype 1.4.0 매뉴얼

http://openframework.or.kr/framework_reference/prototype_js/1.5.0/prototype.js.html - prototype 1.5.0 매뉴얼

http://openframework.or.kr/JSPWiki/Wiki.jsp?page=DeveloperNotesForPrototype#ref-DeveloperNotesForPrototype-1 -
prototype.js을 위한 개발자 노트

http://www.jabook.org/ - 자북(jabook) 소설같은 시리즈

http://www.superuser.co.kr/ - 슈퍼유저코리아

- 데이타베이스 사랑넷

http://www.treeview.net/ - 자바스크립트 트리뷰

http://www.imaso.co.kr/ - 마이크로소프트웨어

http://www.borlandforum.com/ - 볼랜드포럼

http://www.gotapi.com/ - html,js api 검색

http://www.mozilla.or.kr/docs/web-developer/standard/ - 모질라 웹개발자 가이드

http://www.planetpdf.com/ - pdf 문서 검색

http://www.free-itebooks.com/ - 무료ebook

http://www.ebookshare.net/ - ebook

http://cooldogebooks.blogspot.com/ - ebook

http://www.enebook.com/ - pdf ebook

http://www.w3schools.com/ - w3c 스쿨

http://webdoor.org/phpclass/index.php - phpclass

http://templatelite.sourceforge.net/ - 템플릿lite

http://www.joinc.co.kr/modules/moniwiki/wiki.php/Site/Java/Documents/ComputerScienceUsingJava -
Introduction to Computer Science using Java

http://www.ruby-lang.org/ko/ - 루비

http://forum.rubykr.org/ - 한국루비 사용자포럼

http://www.google.com/codesearch?hl=ko - 구글 코드 검색

http://www.onbook.biz/phpdocumentor/index.php - 스마티/phpdoc 매뉴얼

http://www.peopleof.me/xe/smarty - 스마티 한글 매뉴얼

http://www.xtac.net/ - 템플릿 언더바 사이트

http://phpthumb.sourceforge.net/ - php용 썸네일 저작 LIB

https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/kr/ - ibm 개발 관련 이슈 및 강좌